#Jam & Juice

Jam & Juice EP02 | Dede Ayeh – Talks sex life, masturbating, her first orgasm, Feminism & more


Jam and Juice is a weekly game show on Hunukane where our host Jamila @_jammy_la host your favorite socialites and influencers to a game night show of sex, lifestyle and mental health, and Do or Don’t scenarios where you either answer a very personal question or perform an activity or take countless shots.

On this episode of JamandJuice we have the non conformist , Foodie, super sexy, Feminist and Free Spirt Dede Ayeh, CEO of JunkFest Accra as she take on our 3 categories and share some personal sex life stories on starting to masturbate at age 11, and experiencing her first massive orgasm at age 19. Her bad sex experience with Boys and more